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Why and How Does Bitcoin Influence What We Strive to Achieve?

In this discussion, Seb Bunney joins John Vallis, on his podcast, Bitcoin Rapid-Fire, for a great discussion on the intersection between Bitcoin and spirituality.

If you have any comments, don’t hesitate to post them below.


  1. Incredible, never have i ever sat through a 2-hour long podcast before but this one hits me hard, I resonated so much to this but my friends and family never reciprocated to me with the same passion that you guys have in this podcast, glad to know there is a community which looks at the foundational reasoning behind everything we do in life specifically in the finance field. I was already a fan but now I’m a super-fan, going to burn through all the content on this website.
    Please do come up with new courses.

    1. Hey Sahil!
      Ahh, I am so glad you found value in the podcast. It is amazing how every so often you listen to or read something that resonates with you and brings clarity to your thinking.
      If you ever have any questions or anything comes to mind, don’t hesitate to comment.

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