Welcome Aboard

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to delve into our educational resources. We hope these resources are just as fun to teach as they were to make.

Before diving in, if you are looking to improve your presentation skills, whether that’s in the creation process or the material delivery. Don’t worry! We got you covered.

With immense help from Carolyn at F2F Communications, a professional in creating and coaching educational sessions, we have developed a four-part course on the secrets behind structuring and delivering effective presentations.

You can find that course for free here.

If you’re looking to present using our educational resources, unless you feel highly confident, we recommend working through this course. Even we, the founders of Looking Glass, gained a ton of actionable insight after taking the course.

Secondly, we believe that quality educational material is not just a one-and-done type offering. Times and teaching strategies change, and so should teaching material. We, therefore, view our educational resources as living documents. And not just something that we change a few words here or there every so often. We want to hear from you! You’ve probably heard the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.” Along those same lines, we believe it takes a community of educators to build long-lasting, impactful educational material that elevates the youth of today.

With that said, we have created a collaborative Whatsapp group for educators to share their experiences, feedback, changes, ideas or anything else that comes to mind.

Link to Whatsapp group here

Alternatively, you can email us here or reach out via Twitter

Thirdly, suppose you find value in these resources. In that case, we greatly appreciate any help in spreading the word. We believe everyone should have access to high-quality educational material, especially that which focuses on Bitcoin. In saying that, although sending a copy of these resources to fellow teachers and friends may be most accessible, if you can, please direct like-minded individuals back to this page so that:

1. They can be acquainted with the content creators and understand where to find more content in the future.

2. As a community, we can start to quantify the number of teachers and educational facilitators involved in Bitcoin education (We support privacy. No personal information/emails will be shared with third parties). This data is simply to develop clarity around Bitcoin education and give the community greater leverage when approaching school boards and educational facilities.

3. We want to build a collaborative community of passionate, like-minded educators.

Lastly, we want to build a collaborative and supportive community and develop resources that make introducing these topics into our school system easier. However, we recognize that the biggest obstacle to successful integration with existing systems is gaining acceptance from our school boards and administrators. With this in mind, we have designed these resources so that they can be tied to a variety of subjects within standard curriculums. This reduces the challenge of trying to broach this information in our classrooms. Do not hesitate to reach out, and we can provide support on how to integrate this material into the classroom.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you:

Want to share any feedback or recommend changes

Notice any errors

Have ideas for modifications, improvements or activities which aid student comprehension and engagement

Note: We have designed the lessons to ensure each module and each lesson can be delivered as stand-alone resources. However, you will notice that our teacher’s materials occasionally reference other content. We have developed the “teacher’s material” for each lesson straight from our Debt, Inflation and the Bigger Picture course here. Teachers and Educators may wish to take this course in its entirety to better understand how the modules connect and give some further context behind how it is you may wish to deliver the content within the classroom.

If you find value in these resources, consider donating, as it allows us to continue working on creating more content, such as this. You can donate here.

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